Joint Lab Künstliche Intelligenz & Data Science

Kooperation des Leibniz-Instituts für Agrartechnik und Bioökonomie Potsdam und der Universität Osnabrück

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Regular Activities at the Joint Lab KI & DS

The Joint Lab Künstliche Intelligenz und Data Science offers a variety of regular activities that promote scientific collaboration, knowledge exchange, and strengthen the sense of community.

PhD Seminar

The PhD Seminar takes place every two weeks, where doctoral candidates present their current research projects. This seminar serves as a platform for scientific exchange and discussion of ongoing work. In addition to the PhD students, Principal Investigators (PIs) and external scientists also present their research, illustrating how it fits into the context of the Joint Lab. This not only fosters collaboration within the lab but also provides valuable insights into diverse research topics and methods.

Online Doctoral Program in Bioeconomy

The Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB) offers an online doctoral program in Bioeconomy, which takes place once or twice a month. This series includes lectures and seminars on general and scientific content, allowing doctoral candidates to expand their knowledge in this field and engage with experts.

Biannual Retreats

Twice a year, the Joint Lab KI & DS organizes a retreat that spans two to three days. During these intensive meetings, partners from Osnabrück and the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB) have the opportunity to engage deeply and strengthen their cooperation. These retreats foster intense dialogue and the collaborative development of new research ideas and projects.

Annual Feedback  Meetings

Another crucial component of the activities is the annual feedback meetings. During these meetings, an independent committee evaluates the progress of the PhD projects. These evaluations aim to provide advice and identify potential obstacles that could hinder the timely and successful completion of the doctorate. This feedback is invaluable for doctoral candidates to drive their projects forward effectively.

Research Focus Areas and Reading Clubs

The three research focus areas of the Joint Lab also hold monthly meetings to discuss specific topics and progress. Additionally, there are theme-specific Reading Clubs to discuss current scientific publications and trends.

Regular Social Exchanges and Recreational Activities

Monthly stand-up lunches and coffee meetings provide members the opportunity to exchange ideas in an informal setting. Furthermore, we organize various recreational activities like excursions, bowling nights, and barbecues to strengthen the sense of community and team cohesion.